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spoken word recordings in either compilation, cassette, compact disk, Mp3 or vinyl product:
LOOK EACH OTHER IN THE EARS: Hen House Studios – When The Doors first formed Michael C Ford was considered for the bass player position, however, it was decided that keyboardist Ray Manzarek would play the bass on his organ instead. This decision gave the Doors their unique sound. Michael went on to become a Pulitzer Prize, Grammy nominated poet while all along remaining close friends and collaborators with the band as they rose to international stardom. This album marks a reunion and the last recording for the three Doors members, Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore, backing up Michael C Ford as he recites his poetry. Vocal choruses are added by Tommy Jordan (Geggy Tah) and Angel Moore
Vinyl LP and Mp3 downloads available:
FIRE ESCAPES : SST RECORDS & TAPES {1995} Fourteen cuts on compact disc product
HEN HOUSE STUDIOS ANTHOLOGY VOLUME II: {‘02} 1 cut on compilation CD from Hen House Studios title: Goodbye Music [spoken word backed by JAZZ FICTION]
THE L. A. BARDS: Hen House Studios {‘03}
1 cut on CD hosting w/the Baseball Reliquary 9 poets taking a swing at the National Pastime, as celebrated in literature live at Pasadena Central Library
HEN HOUSE STUDIOS ANTHOLOGY VOLUME IV: {‘04} 1 cut on compilation CD from Hen House Studios title: Extreme Unction For James Douglas Morrison [spoken word w/Ray Manzarek
ENGLISH AS A 2ndLANGUAGE: Freeway Records {1984} 2 tracks on double-pocket compilation vinyl
NEIGHBORHOOD RHYTHMS: Freeway Records {1985} 3 tracks on double compilation vinyl
LANGUAGE COMMANDO: New Alliance {1986}
Debut solo vinyl LP w/ 27 original tracks of poetry & prose
MOTEL CAFÉ: Blue Yonder Sounds{1988}
25 tracks of recitations of original work
HOLLYWORD: Rhino Records {1989}
1 cut on compilation cassette
JAZZ SPEAK: New Alliance {1990}
2 cuts on compilation cassette
INNINGS: New Alliance {1992}
1 track of narrative baseball talk on compilation CD
L.A. JOURNAL: Voyager{1993}
Epilogue on vocal soundtrack for laser disc project
TWENTIETH CENTURY GOODBYE: Nasik of Alcatraz {‘10}
Thirteen cuts on a compact disk